Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Legal Career in Health Care & Biotechnology -- Law Day on the Hill 2021

On March 4, 2021, TLA held its 19th Law Day on the Hill.  We had a dynamic panel of Tufts Alumni members who practice in the health care and biotechnology industries.  If you missed the program live, you can watch it here:

After the panel discussion, we engaged with students and alumni in breakout rooms focused on various practice areas and law school.  While we missed being on campus for the event, my typical annual trip, it was great to give back and share our experiences with the amazing Jumbo undergrads!

Thank you to our Law Day on the Hill Co-Chairs, Melissa John and Dara Lynn Freytag, and planning committee members for a memorable virtual Law Day.  

Enjoy the Program! 

Tom Dunn, TLA President


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  2. Die Teebaum-Öl-Creme von Bio Allgäu hilft mir bei Hautproblemen wie Akne und wirkt antibakteriell.
