Thursday, February 4, 2021

Join Us for TLA's 19th Law Day on the Hill -- March 4, 2021 at 6PM ET

Law Day on the Hill is TLA's signature event every year.  This year we are celebrating our 19th YEAR of Law Day.  

Last year, our meeting was in person (our last in-person event of 2020), but this year we are excited to do the meeting by zoom.  We are excited to see the TLA member engagement with Tufts students beyond just the New England region.  

If you have not attended Law Day before, the event format and purpose is great.  The event is designed to benefit Tufts undergrads who are interested in law school or a career in the legal community.  We conduct programs, panel discussions, and networking sessions to give the students a sense of what law school and a legal career is like.  At the same time, we invite TLA members (Tufts Alumni who graduated from law school) to attend and share their experiences with the students and with fellow alumni.  It is a great opportunity to give back / mentor and build connections with fellow TLA members.  

This year our rockstar team of Co-Chairs, Melissa John and Dara Lynn Freytag, have put together an amazing program.  We will have a panel discussion about healthcare and biotechnology with four experienced panelists:
  • Suzan V. Levin, J96, assistant general counsel, Pfizer (part of the Pfizer's COVID team)
  • Mehreen N. Butt, J99, councilor, Town of Wakefield, Mass., and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
  • Emily S. Mahoney, MG13, counsel, Faber, Daeufer, & Itrato, P.C. 
  • Emily Kretchmer, J01, partner, Krokidas & Bluestein LLP
Following the panel discussion, we will break up into networking groups to facilitate mentorship and connections. 

Thanks to our Law Day planning committee members for their efforts on this program: Melissa John, Dara Lynn Freytag, Trecia Pessoa, Joseph Rivera, Sabienne Brutus, Steven Feldman, Aime Macdonald, and Tom Dunn.  

Questions, comments, or want to learn more about TLA, contact TLA President, Tom Dunn at  

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